Welcome to VATSIM Saudi Arabia Charts


Tired of looking for charts when flying within Saudi Arabia?
All online free charts are outdated?
Do not have a Navigraph subscription?
No problem, because VATSIM Saudi Arabia will provide you all the charts for free
from the official Saudi Air Navigation Service (SANS) eAIP package.


The data provided is for flight simulation purposes only.
VATSIM Saudi Arabia is not responsible for any misconduct related to the use
of this data in real life.
VATSIM Saudi Arabia is not affiliated with SANS in any way whatsoever.
SANS provides the charts for free, and they are being shown on this website.
There is no guarantee that SANS will remain free in the future.
All charts are based on AIRAC cycles 2303 and 2408.
VATSIM Saudi Arabia may or may not update these charts in the future.
Charts last updated on 08/31/24 1400 Zulu.